Do you want to get rid of your Irritable Bowel FOREVER?

Did you know that Irritable bowel often a symptom Is of intestinal dysbiosis?

And this means that if you do NOT resolve this gut dysbiosis, you cannot get rid of your symptoms for good either.

How do you know which is the cause & solution of your PDS?

That's where we help you!

Are you ready to see the underlying causes of your irritable bowel symptoms to address and thus finally without intestinal problems start living? 

Do you recognize this?

Irritable bowel what is it exactly?

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS or PDS) is a common functional gastrointestinal disorder affecting 4-5% of the world's population.

PDS includes being characterized by recurrent abdominal pain and a abnormal bowel movement pattern, as well as the coexistence of a bloating, flatulence and a swollen belly. 

Did you know that 44% of PDS patients suffer from depression & anxiety and 38% has sleep problems.

How is Fodmap not the solution?

A low Fodmap diet brings great short-term improvement in the vast majority of patients. 

Then what is the problem?

First, a low Fodmap diet can cause even more problems in the long run due to the low intake of fiber.

In addition nothing is done about the underlying cause of your PDS - namely, the intestinal dysbiosis you are struggling with.

What if you finally:

Then participate in the first edition of this track!

Now with 4 zoom calls to give you extra guidance. Take advantage of this unique opportunity!

How can we help you?

We know perfectly well how you feel.

In the nearly 3 years of Revive Coaching's existence, we have already been privileged to coach about 1000 1-on-1 individuals, and the vast majority of our clients have gut issues (or the cause of their symptoms can be found in the gut). 

That's why we decided to make a course with so much info ánd for this first time - to also guide you through zoom - so you can discover what the root cause of your PDS is & how to solve it.

In putting together the course - Els followed the protocols and treatments she applies all the time in practice.

The big advantage is that thanks to the course you can review all the info we give as much as you want (which is not the case with consultations) and in addition you can ask all your questions during the zoom calls.

The solution to your irritable bowel is now at your fingertips.

We would like to introduce you to this REVOLUTIONARY course:

Get rid of your Irritable Bowel in 14 days

3h video material - 8 modules - available for life

Quite a few practical downloads

BONUS for this first launch: 4 group zoom calls

(ONLY when registering by Oct. 3)

What do you learn?

Module 1

In module 1, we'll get right to the point and explain to you why FODMAP is not the solution to your PDS. In addition, we briefly discuss the intestinal dysbiosis Which may be the cause of your PDS

Module 2

In Module 2, we take a closer look at these dysbioses. On the basis of specific questions regarding your complaints & history, you will discover for yourself which dysbiosis you are struggling with. In the zoom call we are going to give you additional guidance on this. 

Module 3

Module 3 is rather comprehensive. We are going to have a Revive Proof diet going to discuss. Very practical with printable lists & recipes.

You learn what foods are best to eliminate? And what do we add? Very specifically for you with gut problems.

Module 4

Module 4 will give you a better understanding of the Irritable bowel syndrome.

What is it? What are the symptoms & causes?What about FODMAP? Pros and Cons? 

Which nutrition/lifestyle & supplementation take best? And how do we solve the problem of too little fiber?

Module 5

SIBO - What is it and how is it different from PDS? We'll look at that in this module. 

In addition, we do the symptoms - complaints & causes out.

To end again with a hands-on protocol regarding nutrition/lifestyle & the appropriate supplementation.

Module 6

In Module 6, we will discuss another underlying cause - Reflux

Nutrition & proper supplementation is discussed along with a complete phase-out protocol for whom antacids takes.

Module 7

Module 7 is about HISTAMINE - often the key to irritable bowel problems. 

What is it? How does histamine intolerance occur? What are the symptoms? 

After this module, you will know which foods are best avoided & how to help your body to breaking down histamine.

Module 8

We end by scrutinizing the leaky gut syndrome. 

Because this too can be a cause of Irritable Bowel.

In short, you learn the various causes of irritable bowel syndrome know, what they do to your body, how to recognize them and, most importantly, how to resolve them.

In short, this course is a practical guide with which you can get started immediately to become symptom free forever.

You get a UNIQUE opportunity to be the first to participate in this course some EXCLUSIVE bonuses.

Finally the key to your life without bowel problems

  • Address your symptoms together with a small group of women.
  • We just leave 25 participants To who can take advantage of this deal
  • EXCLUSIVE we give for this first edition 4 zoomcalls in which you can ask all your questions - each time about a particular underlying cause.
  • You get 2 bonus master classes to go with it.

If you register now, you'll get these


Bonus 1

Extra guidance

4 zoomcalls

(with replay - we will discuss all parts of the course and your questions will be answered)

Bonus 2

Masterclass regarding

intolerances & allergy at 

20/10 with replay

Bonus 3

Masterclass regarding

Pro-Pre & Postbiotics at 

05/11 with replay

What is your investment?


We are still offering this course until the end of the year to this award.

Quite exceptionally, we do for everyone who registers by October 3 another additional guidance of 4 zoom calls.

A top deal in other words!

They went before you...

All my life I have suffered from intestinal problems, dry skin, eczema and eventually even depression came along with it. I had blemished skin since I was a child. After a lot of hospital visits and crying, I came to you and I dare say my life has completely turned around. Bloated belly is history, my skin looks a thousand times better and I am off cortisone injections. Thank you sincerely, you have changed my life.
The first weeks of my new lifestyle ( and my family😊) are over and takes some adjustment and extra effort , but it feels sooo great good!!! Even our 17 year old son was able to tell me that his bowel transit is already remarkably better👍
Thanks to Els and Isa I have become more aware of what I put in my mouth. They give good tips, don't force you to do anything and let you find for yourself what is feasible for you. As a young mom I have not been able to make a 180° switch, but I am already very proud of the quarter turn I made. They give you tools for the future and what is important, it is not a diet, but a mindset that is achievable for a long time and this also in combination with a young family.


An answer to your most frequently asked questions.

For several reasons:

  • Because "classic" only works with FODMAP diet but this does NOT repair the gut and thus often provides a brief improvement but does not address the cause.
  • Putting in the right enzymes is a must here (have you already done this?).
  • Irritable bowel is often a symptom of another dysbiosis and that is never looked at (but if you don't solve this - you cannot possibly solve your PDS)

Very definitely. Irritable bowel is a term given to anyone who has stomach cramps and symptoms - but of importance is to start discovering and addressing the cause and that's what this course is for. So do you have intestinal symptoms? Then you will find the solution here!

Sure. The course remains available but the bonuses (the 2 master classes) and also the 4 zoom calls are only for those who register NOW before Oct. 3.

So a golden opportunity

We understand that, but think about what you get:

  • 3h video material so you can watch this at your own pace and also refer back to it each time you feel the need. 
  • Group zoom calls to answer all your questions and also learn from what peers are struggling with
  • You will also have the opportunity to book another 1 on 1 after this

lifelong and we are already thinking about some updates ...